Relationship Marketing: The Ultimate Guide

Want to know a secret? Customer retention is much more critical to your company’s success than customer acquisition. In fact, Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company found that as little as a 5% increase in customer retention can increase company revenue by as much as 25–95%.

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VXC Express Achieves International Recognition for Excellence in Digital Solutions

South African-Based Agency, VXC Express, Shines on the Global Stage In a triumph for South African innovation, VXC Express has garnered international acclaim for its outstanding contributions to the digital solutions landscape. The prestigious recognition comes as the result of the company being featured on DesignRush’s esteemed digital agency directory, solidifying its status as a leading player on the global …

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How to Use the P.S. in Email

As a copywriting tactic, the postscript (P.S.) has made its way from standard direct mail copy to email marketing copy. With the right approach, all companies need is two paragraphs, a few links, and a P.S. to effectively communicate their message, create urgency, and drive conversions. What is a P.S. in email? The P.S. is a sentence or a paragraph …

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